Amal Arackal

Accelerating the adoption of renewable energy as we strive for net zero 2050 – a breakthrough in wave energy conversion - Phase 2

Angus Bruce

Estimating the CO2 Intensity of a Novel High Purity Alumina Process

Brendan Palmer

Removal of Glycol from aMDEA

Callan Brogan

Ore Car Bogie Dynamics Assessment with Wayside Condition Monitoring Data Analysis

Chayanika Gangopadhyay

Semi-Supervised Tree-to-Tree Translation for Functional Hierarchy Standardisation

David Wilson

Quantum Security for the Cloud and Virtualised Environments

Dean Kezurer

Brake System Fault Detection via Hot Wheel & Brake Shoe Algorithm

Ellen Xiao

Machine Learning Options for Magnificent Frigate Bird Identification and Counting using CCTV

Evan Wilson Rozas

Experimental Study of Morphology and Particle Size of Alumina Hydroxide Products

Henri Scaffidi

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) on large Technical Reports

Jasper Paterson

Deterministic comparison of DAS field data against physical response models of subsea cable behaviour

Jessica Takeda

Quantifying Nesting Success and Hatchling Survival of Flatback Turtles Through Continuous Monitoring

Josh Offer

Biological Carbon Sequestration: Algae Biomass Farming Part 2

Kaifei (Kevin) Liao

Options for Dissuading Magnificent Frigate Birds from Resting and Nesting on Offshore Platforms

Kaylene Schutz

A manufacturable indirect calorimeter disposable mouthpiece with medical waste minimisation

Koh En Ye

Modelling of Heat of Hydration in Early Age Concrete

Melvin Hartley

Characterising Heavy Mineral Concentrate Grain Morphology and Mineralogy with Computer Vision

Michael Sowerbutts

Modelling the Impact of Drop Structure Design on Odour and Gas

Neil Madera

Experimental investigation of the form filling ability of concrete in relation to Teeroff beams

Nischal Paudel

The performance of corrosion protection measures on the chloride ingress of concrete in a solar salt environment

Saif Ali Athyaab

Investigation of current traffic data practices and its application in quantitative decision making

Samuel Chan

Decision Support Tool for the Maintenance and Renewal of Sewer Access Chambers

Sineth Kannanga Koralalage

Western Australian Critical Minerals Priority Schemer

Sisitine Sun

Exploring the Impact of R&D Intensity on Junior Mining Firms' Market Value and Financial Performance

Sonam Tshering

Including Hydraulics in Optimising Groundwater Abstraction Scheduling

Thomas Holliday

Theoretical Insights into Pressure Reducing Valve Mechanics and Control for Perth’s Water Supply

Trang Tang Thi Bich

Understanding the effects of changes in sewer wastewater quality on wastewater treatment plant processes

Vasel Cervoj

Intermittent Backwash of Continuously Washing Up Flow (CWUF) Type Filters

Wilson Laksmono

Accelerating the adoption of renewable energy as we strive for net zero 2050 – a breakthrough in wave energy conversion - Phase 1