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Please submit one form per project
Projects Application Form
This form is for UWA and Curtain students to submit an application for a CEED project.
Your project application
Please nominate the project you are applying for:
Choose Project Here
25/024: Evaluating the Potential of Mine Waste for Construction Solutions
25/025: Investigating the Valorisation Potential of Mine Waste for Mineral Carbonation
25/026: Mapping Market Opportunities for Repurposed Mine Waste
Project ranking
In order of preference, please list all the projects you are applying for below (include the project number and title).
Your Contact Details
Full Name
Student number
Student Email Address
Personal Email Address
Mobile Number
Your Degree
Which university are you enrolled in?
What degree (and specialisation) are you currently enrolled in?
Please list any scholarships you have been awarded (in your current degree)
CEED projects need to be completed over 2 consecutive semesters (as part of Research Units Part 1 and Part 2 in your degree). Please select the option that best describes your situation:
I have at least 2 semesters in my degree to accommodate a CEED project
I do NOT have at least 2 semesters in my degree to accommodate a CEED Project
N/A - HDR (PhD) student
CEED projects cannot be undertaken if your Research Units have been completed. Please select the option that best suits your situation:
In my current degree, I have NOT undertaken a research unit (thesis)
In my current degree, I HAVE undertaken a research unit (thesis)
In my Bachelors degree, I completed an honours thesis. I will therefore seek relevant approval to undertake a research project in my Masters degree.
N/A - HDR (PhD) student
CEED projects require you to be eligible to commence your first Research Unit in the upcoming semester. Please select the option that best suits your situation:
BACHELORS/UNDERGRAD: I will commence my final honours (thesis) year in the upcoming semester
MASTERS/POSTGRAD: I have completed at least 24 credit points in level 4 or 5 and will undertake the first unit next semester
N/A - HDR (PhD) student
I am neither of these options
CEED projects must align to your degree. Please select and option that best suits your situation:
This project is in the same area and specialisation of my degree
This project is in the same area of my degree, but different specialisation
This project is not the same area of my degree, but I will seek relevant approval to undertake the project as part of my degree
N/A - HDR (PhD) student
Project special requests (not required for all projects)
Are you a Domestic or International Student?
Are you permitted to work in Australia after graduating?
Yes, I am permitted to work in Australia after graduating
No, I am not permitted to work in Australia after graduating
Which best describes your living and transport situation?
I live close to the university and have my own transport
I live close to the university but do not have my own transport
I don't live close to the university but have my own transport (can travel to Perth CBD)
I don't live close to the university and I don't have my own transport (cannot travel to Perth CBD)
Do you already have vacation work organised?
Yes, I have completed or have vacation work organised
No, I have not completed/do not have vacation work organised
N/A - HDR (PhD) student
If you have organised vacation work, please advise the company and working period (e.g. Company Name - 30/11/2025 to 15/2/2026)
How did you hear about CEED?
CEED Website
Student Emails
TV/Computer Screens Around Campus
Post on a Social Platform (e.g. LinkedIn or Facebook)
Word of Mouth
An Event
Please add any comments relevant to your application
Supporting Docs
Please upload PDF copies of the following documents
Your latest CV [Required]
Max. file size: 6 MB.
Your Undergraduate Academic Record (non-UWA)
Max. file size: 6 MB.
Your Postgraduate Academic Record (non-UWA)
Max. file size: 6 MB.
Terms and conditions
I recognise that, in the event of my being selected, carrying out this project:
will involve me in project work at the CEED Client site from time to time, including a minimum period of 8 weeks during the summer vacation for "full" projects, normally with no remuneration other than the CEED studentship;
entitles me to a CEED studentship, with no obligation after the end of the project, subject to my complying with the responsibilities outlined below;
requires my acceptance of the terms agreed between UWA and the CEED Client for confidentiality and ownership of intellectual property;
I understand that I will be responsible for:
attending the CEED induction program, and completing a CEED Project Brief;
complying with requirements for monthly reports, deliverables, and a CEED seminar paper and presentation;
complying with all safety regulations of the CEED Partner when on their premises;
conducting myself in a responsible manner in all dealings with the CEED Partner.
Terms Agreed
I agree and accept these terms and conditions
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.