Application and Interview Process

Check out our Current Projects

All CEED projects available for the upcoming semester are advertised via the Current Available Projects page on the CEED website.

Apply Online

If one of the projects is a good fit for you, complete the online application form (at the Apply Now link), and attach your CV and Current official Statement of Academic Record in PDF form. You may apply for more than one project – make sure to update your project rankings each time you apply. You must be eligible to undertake the appropriate Research Project unit in the upcoming semester at the time of application.

How to obtain an official Statement of Academic Record

Curtin University

The University of Western Australia

Shortlisted Candidates Interview with Supervisor and Client

After the closing date, all applications will be sent to the academic supervisor, who will compile a shortlist. The shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview with the academic supervisor and client mentor (usually within one to two weeks of the close of applications).

Sign On and Get Started!

The successful candidate will be contacted shortly after the completion of interviews. Unsuccessful candidates will also be contacted, but be aware that it may take some time (as candidates may be applying for more than one project, and may choose to postpone accepting a project until after interviews for other projects). The successful candidate formally accepts the project by meeting with the CEED Director and signing the Student Undertaking.