What are CEED Research Projects?

CEED projects are industry sponsored student research projects undertaken for academic credit at Honours, Masters and even PhD level. Projects may be undertaken in any discipline that offers a suitable research project. The project models are summarised here, and there are two main CEED intakes each year – a main intake in September-November, and a mid-year intake predominantly for Engineering disciplines in April-June. Project topics are defined by the client, and should address issues of immediate business value – CEED projects should deliver outcomes that immediately enhance your business. These are real projects, with real outcomes.

Engage with Future Graduates

In full CEED projects, the scholar spends 8 weeks on site with you during the summer vacation, immersing themselves in your organisation (in 3/4 projects, students only work on the project during the academic semester). They  continue to work with you throughout the academic year. CEED offers a unique opportunity for you to engage with future graduates, knowing that at the end of their project they will be well versed in your unique culture and issues.

Engage with Leading Researchers

Each CEED scholar has both an academic supervisor and a mentor from your organisation, keeping you connected with the project throughout. This creates an opportunity for your team to engage with leading researchers at our Universities, and also offers a leadership development opportunity for early career staff.

Management of IP and Financial Issues

The Client pays a project fee, which varies according to project type and IP needs. The default is for the project IP to be shared 50/50 between the Client and University – for an additional fee the client may reserve 100% ownership of the IP. CEED scholars receive studentships, covered by the project fee. Additional expenses (experimental rigs, consumables, access fees, etc) are billed to the client, though no expense will be incurred without the prior written approval of the client.