The Project Brief
The Project Brief is a critical milestone in your project – it sets out the objectives of the project, the methodology to be used to achieve those objectives, and the resources needed to complete the project. Most importantly it formally sets the deliverables to be provided to the client at the end of the project. The Project brief should ideally be finalised within 2-3 months of the start of the project – it’s importance is recognised in the fact that your first studentship payment will be released when the brief has been approved.
Project Brief Preparation and Approval Process
You should prepare a draft Project Brief (which should be complete and in a final form that could potentially be accepted), and forward it to your Mentors, Supervisors and the CEED Director for review. They will provide their feedback and required changes – and you will revise the brief and forward the revised brief for further review. This continues until all parties have indicated that the Project brief is acceptable.
Final Signature
Once ALL stakeholders have agreed over email that the draft is acceptable, you may go ahead and collect signatures (the CEED Director should be the last signature). Once all signatures are collected, the fully executed Project Brief will be returned to the CEED office for filing and distribution. Your first instalment of your studentship will also be processed at that time.
Overall guidelines for Project Brief Preparation
Template and Instructions for Project Briefs